ten "1-12" leuchten!
3. Nun den vierstelligen Code ihres Fernsehers eingeben.
4. Taste "TV" zum Sp... universalmediaremote-controlcodes.htm|Codes]]
Code mein Samsung-Flat: 0066
To scan for a TV code:
Turn on your TV and point the remote toward it.
... s than others.
Press the TV button to save the code and exit. All buttons on the remote will blink th
How to compile OpenKinect: [[http://www.icram.de/content/compile-openkinect-ubuntu-1010-maverick-kinect-libfreenect]]
cppview (nur Rauminformation)
glview (RaumInform... ld; mit Maus räumlich drehbar; Tasten: w,s,c)
==== OpenNI Examples ====
Superhero (with Sources): [[http://code.google.com/p/kinect-ultra/]]
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