=== Pre-install =====
A few changes have to be made to the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
In Section "Modu... , add Compiz to your desktop environment (Gnome, KDE, or Xfce) startup script:
Simply create a file "kwrite /home/user/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop" with this content :
Exec=compiz --replace gconf & kde-window-decorator &\\
l die alte) ;)
Neuste Version: [[http://www.x2on.de/tutorials.html]]
===== Disclaimer =====
**Discl... e Live-Linux-Distribution
===== Teil 1: Rescue Mode installieren =====
**Single-User-Mode starten:**
* Eee-PC anschalten und F9-Taste mehrmals drücke... .lst'' eingeben um zu testen ob es gespeichert wurde.
===== Teil 2: UnionFs entfernen =====