== PXE: Booten über Netzwerk ==
(PXE ist eine DHCP-ERweiterung, um ber Ethernet zu booten)
[[http:/... linux.zytor.com/pxe.php]]
funktionierende /etc/dhcp.conf :
<code># dhcpd.conf
# Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd
# option definitions common to all supported netw
Man braucht allerlei, um PXES zu installieren: dhcp server und tftp-server
(nicht das paket namens 't... wie bei suse dabei))
booten mit pxes:
zuerst dhcp,
After adding my 2nd network card, I noticed dhcpd wasn't working anymore.
If more than one network card resides in the DHCP server, it is recommended to specify which interf
nux macht das das Longhaul-Modul (Kernelmodul zum CPU-Reglen EPIA).
Geregelt wird dann vom User (Users... ).
The Epia SP8000E uses a 800MHz Nemiah core CPU. By loading the longhaul module - you can throttle the CPU (Tested with Please note that there are many patches to the cpufrequency control - and many are unstable. If you
dann kann die Ausgabe der [[wavebox]] via TCP/IP-Port 12001 mitgelesen werden.
=== LEMMI_LOG_W... ]
# Dieser Wert wird für die Option -b von stdin2tcp verwendet.
# Die Voreinstellung ist '0'.
LEMMI_... ]] von Anfang an zu protokollieren,
muss [[stdin2tcp]] die ersten Ausgaben puffern.
Mit dieser Option ... s', dann kann die Ausgabe von [[/proc/kmsg]]
via TCP/IP-Port 12002 mitgelesen werden.
====== ifconfig ======
{{tag>ifconfig DHCP route IP gateway eth}}
''ifconfig -a'' listet **alle** Ne... 168.123.175 netmask</code>
===== DHCP mit ifconfig =====
<code>ifconfig ethx dynamic</... elle((http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/820-2980/dhcp-overview-21?l=ru&a=view))
==== ifconfig-Befehlsoptionen für den DHCP-Client ====
In diesem Abschnitt sind die Befehls
pielen. {{ :nsm:mint-super.jpg?linkonly|}}
===== CPU =====
Fairchild F8 Microprocessor
System mit mind. 2 Chips. CPU und Speichereinheit. Die CPU hat keinen Adressbus, das übernimmt die Speichereinheit.
The F8 was a... ontroller. It consisted of (at a minimum) a 3850 CPU and a 3851 PSU (Program Storage Unit). The CPU i
When you close the lid on your EEE it runs /etc/acpi/lidbtn.sh
The script to shut down the EEE safel... down.sh
So, if you comment out the line in /etc/acpi/lidbtn.sh that suspends on lid close and add a n... s =====
In the console type
sudo kwrite /etc/acpi/lidbtn.sh
You should see
LID_STATE=`cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | awk '{print $2 }'`
if [
lient PCs and the Internet to redirect all HTTP (TCP port 80) traffic to the Squid server on TCP port 3128, which is the Squid server's default TCP port.
=== Squid Transparent Proxy Configuration ... ment. In this example, Squid not only listens on TCP port 3128 for proxy connections, but will also do
//www2.service.t-online.de/t-on/hilf/kurz/hand/ar/CP/ar-gprs-andere.html )
========================... ile
Passwort tm
Kennwort abfragen: Aus
IP Address dynamic
DNS Eintrag ... (Ggfs. bei der Hotline nachfaagen)
Vodafone D2 TCP-Settings
APN web.vodafone... ts]
IP Addresse dynamisch
Proxys (TCP/IP) aktivieren
Primary DNS
====== Get CPU / System Load Average on Ubuntu Linux ======
Ub... rage: 0.00, 0.00, 0.39
geek pts/0 6:31pm 0.00s 0.62s 0.03s /usr/sbin/sshd
===== /proc/load
== PXE: Booten über Netzwerk ====
PXE ist eine DHCP-Erweiterung, um über Ethernet zu booten
[[PXE:P... inux.zytor.com/pxe.php]]
funktionierende /etc/dhcp.conf :
# dhcpd.conf
# Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd
# option definitions common to all supported netw
lmost never used -- because commands like mv, and cp won't work properly if their arguments are passed... accomplish a similar result:
for i in *.txt; do cp $i ${i%.txt}.bak; done
... obviously this is mor... inly the following seems simple enough:
function cp-pattern { for i in $1; do cp $i ${i%$1}$2; done
... but that doesn't work like most Unix users would