older that you can access using ssh on your local computer, so that you can access files on an ssh
account ... -name” is the name of the directory on your local computer where you want to access the files from the remote computer. Say I want the files on the server to be availab... de. “your-username” is your username on the local computer.
Go to System->Administration->Users and Groups,
a program that constitutes the central core of a computer operating system. It is the first thing that is l... y (which physically consists of RAM chips) when a computer is booted up (i.e., started), and it remains in memory for the entire time that the computer is in operation. An executable, also called an ex... ding the operating system into memory so that the computer becomes usable and application programs can be ru
nn man zu einem hinter einem NAT-Router stehenden Computer eine SSH-Verbindung aufbauen möchte.
Nehmen wir an, wir sind Computer A und wollen zu Computer B, der hinter einem NAT-Router steht, eine Verbindung aufbauen. Auf Computer A muss dabei trotzdem ein SSH-Server laufen. Auf
n der Unterwäsche nach, die möglichst viel zeigt.
Computer haben weder Betriebssystem noch gibt's Textverarb... rz bevor das Telefon klingelt!
Text der auf einem Computerbildschirm erscheint wird zusätzlich immer noch mi... otzdem Spitzenwohnungen/-häuser!
Ausgaben auf dem Computerbildschirm machen immer "Klick" oder ähnliche Laut
n the Jaunty repository, but that just crashed my computer, and the aticonfig utility didn’t even detect my ... ut how I can replace xfwm4 with compiz on my home computer, but that is something for a later date.
As for ... will in the end have a single client on a single computer, placed on a boat. Since we control everything ab
ngsmelder|Bewegungsmelder in FHEM]]
[[http://www.computerhilfen.de/info/bewegungsmelder-hc-sr501-an-die-ras... M on-for-timer 5;;");;}}
Gefunden bei http://www.computerhilfen.de ((https://www.computerhilfen.de/info/bewegungsmelder-hc-sr501-an-die-raspberry-pi-gpio-ports-ansch
tomatically link to the console, rather than your computer.
I'm currently working round this by pressing t... ce you are sure you have uinput installed on your computer (should be pre-compiled in Ubuntu and OpenSuSE): ... n be risky, if it fails, you will not log on your computer to a window manager. I then changed xorg.conf to
Pinball 2000 is controlled by a personal computer located in the head of the game. The Operating Sy... e [all|0-3] | enable[all|0-3] | player<all|0-3> | computer<all|0-3> | on<all | 0-3> | off <all | 0-3>| debug... hose addresses are probably already used by other computers on your net (likely automatically assigned by DH
mptly backup your files from your sd card to your computer as you might need to re-install your data and pos... 320 firmware upgrade steps:
- Connected to the computer's USB line, the A320-extracting machine A320.HXF
the user logs in and then immediately leaves the computer physically usable to another person. The Private ... der, and the other person can take control of the computer and access it while the owner is away.
We can st
auf dem genutzten Laptop) oder man wollte eine Computermailbox betreiben,
die nur ueber das Handy (als Mo... t eine stabile Sichtverbindung zwischen Handy und Computer
bei Bluetooth muss nur die Funk-Reichweite eingeh
enthält Dokumentationen und Know-How rund um den Computer, im Besonderen für Linux. ======
Gerwiki contains documentations and information related to computers specially linux - in german and english
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