efault value to a variable normally read from the command-line arguments, when no such arguments are given.... efault value to a variable normally read from the command-line arguments, when no such arguments are given.... rname: followed by message, and abort the current command or script. Omitting message produces the default ... hese operators are ideal for setting defaults for command-line arguments in case the user omits them. We'll
termine the version of your kernel with the uname command. In this case it is version 2.6.14-1.1644.
<code... d /usr/src/redhat/SPECS directories using the rpm command.
[root@bigboy tmp]# rpm -Uvh kernel-2.6.14-1.164... directory and create the tree using the rpmbuild command with the -bp option.
[root@bigboy tmp]# c... the configs/ directory. In this case the uname -a command is used to determine the systems CPU type (686) a
ting system used for WPC). XINA is unique in it's command structure (ordinary UNIX / DOS commands do not wo... e. Also note that you can capture all printouts / command responses by connecting a PC to the serial port (... T issue commands or alter settings using the XINA command set unless you know what you are doing and unders... (same as Enter button on Front-door)
XINA v1.18 Command List.</code>
<tr id="misc" class="pbtitle"><td colspan="2"><b>Command</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr>
<tr><t... d></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="nw">which command</td><td>Show full path name of command</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="nw">time command</td><td>See how long a command takes</td></tr>
===== Get and display the file size and the directory size using du command =====
The du command ( disk usage ) gather and summarize about how much your disk space being used by... eing use by directory in the Linux system The du command can be use to find the size of file and the size
''Using [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_line_completion tab completion] can make this command easier.''
Starting Catalyst version 8.10, installin... deb
''Using [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_line_completion tab completion] can make this command easier.''
=== Additional 64-bit instructions ===
se install nautilus if that is the case with this command.
<code>~ $ sudo apt-get install nautilus</code>
... re confident in your ability to use the mount the command then you can use that, but you will have to manip... formation below for it to work properly. Use this command to to find your Linux partitions.
<code>~ $ sudo... ave a ".Private" symlink. So be careful. Use this command to find it.
<code>~ $ sudo find / -type d -iname
Accessories –> Terminal) and enter the following command
<code>sudo aptitude install wminput wmgui lswm</c... via bluetooth.
In a terminal type the following command
And press buttons 1 & 2 on your... is possible.
From a terminal, type the following command
<code>gksudo gedit /etc/cwiid/wminput/ir_ptr</cod... load latest .deb from here or using the following command
<code>wget http://linux-whiteboard.googlecode.com
r OS program calls
import sys #For Clean sys.exit command
import time #for sleep/pause
import RPi.GPIO as ... area...")
os.system("xscreensaver-command -activate") #OS command for Xscreensaver program = Activate, turns on screensaver instantly
while True: ... com[plete rest and exit
os.system("xscreensaver-command -deactivate") ##OS command for Xscreensaver progr
<code>$ echo $DISPLAY</code> ...
Let your display number returns :0.0, Then the command to grab the screenshot is:
<code> $ chvt 7; slee... ing the screenshot
switching back to your current command-line terminal.
The first command (chvt 7) switches to the X terminal say gnome (usually the 7th terminal
Now you need to run the following command to update the source list
<code>sudo apt-get update</code>
Install mplayer using the following command
<code>sudo apt-get install mplayer</code>
if you ... Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Users run the following command
<code>sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.... For i386 Users install Codecs using the following command**
<code>sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss
le doesn't exist, then generate it with the touch command
<code>touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases</code>
Re... hat the tftp-server package is installed with the command rpm -q tftp-server. If it is not installed, insta...
o Install the package using the following command:
<code>[root@bigboy tmp]# rpm -Uvh tftp-server-0.... efore changing this line, you can use the telinit command to test prior to modifying the line. Use either t
With command <code>SwitchMode<x> 15</code> you can decouple Sw... an globally change the status text with StateText command.
You can change the default "Switch1" text using SwitchText<x> command. For example: SwitchText1 Garage_Door_State
</cod... "String1" or the text mentioned in the SwitchText command.
Dann erkennt ha die Änderungen am Schalter sofo
le (grossteils) ((http://ultrahigh.org/2008/10/14/command-line-face-detection/))
You will need the C++ Com... e a working set of face-detection programmes. The command line interface isn’t too friendly, so they take a... he lowest common denominator for image processing command line apps. I use the program ‘jpegtopnm’ from pac... mp/models/mlp-cascade19×19-20-2-110
This command takes about 20s to run on my creaky old laptop, a
= yes
strict_rfc821_envelopes = yes
disable_vrfy_command = yes
smtpd_delay_reject = yes
# Recipient Res... Mails von fehlerhaften Scripten.
* disable_vrfy_command = yes
Schaltet das VRFY-Command aus, mit dem Spammer die Gültigkeit von Mailadressen überprüfen könnte.
... l ab, wenn der Hostname (überliefert mit dem HELO-Command) eine falsche Syntax hat.
* reject_non_fqdn_sen