if its on (almost) every packet generated by the client or AP, then if we collect enough of them, like a ... y need airodump, aircrack, and kismet (server and client). If we run into some problems we might have to u... s all the APs and their relevant info, as well as client stations connected to any of the APs.
BSS... d the packets they are sending. We won't use this client info in a straight theory hack but in practice we
nssl Befehls:
<code> openssl req -new -keyout client-key.pem -out client-req.pem -days 365</code>
Der Common Name CN (eg, YOUR name) ist der ...
Der Zertifiat- Request liegt jetzt in der Datei "client-req.pem und kann von der CA signiert werden. Der Private-Key des Zertifiatsbesitzers ist in client-key.pem gespeichert und sollte sicher aufbewahrt
# dig yahoo.com
Step # 5 Point all client to your eth0 IP address as Router/Gateway.
Step ... s to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 clientclient unknown
Alcatel PBX 4400 Port 2533 install llatsni unknown thanks to Nicolas Gregoire
Alcatel P... Cisco BBSM 5.0 and 5.1 Telnet or Named Pipes bbsd-client changeme2 database The BBSD Windows Client passwo
>ifconfig ethx dynamic</code>
oder auch
<code>dhclient ethx</code>
Quelle((http://docs.sun.com/app/docs... iew))
==== ifconfig-Befehlsoptionen für den DHCP-Client ====
In diesem Abschnitt sind die Befehlsoptione... Sie Folgendes ausführen:
* **Starten des DHCP-Client** – Mit dem Befehl ifconfig Schnittstelle [inet6... enn Sie die Informationen ändern möchten, die ein Client unmittelbar verwenden soll, z. B. wenn Sie IP-Adr
NUT 🇬🇧 steht für Network UPS Tools und ist ein Client/Server-Framework zur Ansteuerung und Verwaltung e... l nut</code>
===== Installation =====
==== As Netclient ====
Als Slave
nano /etc/nut/nut.conf
==== Installation für GreenCell GC 600VA ====
... sistant-integration-e08affcc54f]]
==== Debian as Client for QNAP-USP-Server ====
nano /etc/nut/nut.conf
===== Client =====
==== Linux ====
<code>apt-get install ddclient</code>
* To run ddclient as a daemon, please set run_daemon to 'true'
. Verlangt immer Passwort. Lösung: shd_config (am Client!): 2 Zeilen hinzu:
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-... machine B would normally ask for. A is called the client and B is called the server.
=== Short ===
A single command on the client A does this (replace SERVERB by the correct machi... tte:
Generate your public and private keys on client A, by running:
<code>ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.
ces for NFS: nfs, nsflock and portmap
===== Client: =====
Newer Ubuntu: you have to install:
<code>... itted to the disk before the write request by the client is actually completed. This may lower performance... using the sync option.
**root_squash** Makes any client accesses to the exported filesystem, made as the root user on the client machine, take place as the nobody user ID. This e
[[squid:ssh|Den Verkehr zwischen Squid-Proxy und Client verschlüsseln]]
Quelle((http://www.linuxhomenet... out having to modify the browser settings on your client PCs. This called a transparent proxy configuratio... ly achieved by configuring a firewall between the client PCs and the Internet to redirect all HTTP (TCP po... into three connections; one from the Web browser client to the firewall and another from the firewall to
chön anzeigt und verbinde mich vom Server auf den Client mit:
<code>telnet client 2000</code>
Alle Daten, die ich schicke, zeigt der Sniffer unverschlüsselt an,... en SSH-Tunnel draus! Disconnecten wir uns mit dem Client und starten auf dem Server netcat neu. Nun stellen wir auf dem Client den Tunnel her, und zwar mit:
ssh -L 3000:
Geben Sie die folgenden Statements im MySQL-Client ein (ersetzen Sie dabei "IhrNeues Passwort" mit d... e>
apt-get remove mysql-common mysql-server mysql-client
mv /etc/mysql /etc/mysql.old
apt-get install mysql-common mysql-server mysql-client
Half nichts.
apt-get install
ut more secure. Many hosting services offer their client the ability to remotely login to their hosting ac... ems.
sshfs is a filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol.
S... on the server side there’s nothing to do. On the client
side mounting the filesystem is as easy as
y_service inet:
Es... inzelnen =====
* smtpd_helo_required = yes
Der Client muss ein HELO/EHLO zum Beginn der Session senden.... hren mit der Mail entscheiden.
* reject_unknown_client
Lehnt die Mail ab, wenn die IP-Adresse keinen PTR
ave mode only, however NETTIME is
# also used for Client/Server NIS networking with the net driver.
# NET... >
# Interval (in seconds) at which the slave or client polls the master
# or server. This is applicable to BOTH master/slave and client/server
# (NIS) networking.
# Re