Hier zur Dokumentation:
40 cd
41 ls
42 cd /home/user/
43 ls
44 df
45 ls -a
46 rm .AME/ .bash_history .cach...
55 vi /etc/linpus-release
56 ls
57 cd ..
58 ls
59 cd /.
60 ls
61 tar jcvf hdc1._.tar.bz2 /bin /boot/ etc/ home/ initrd/ lib
e's problem is that is missing the kernel module (cdc-acm) and an easy program to dial up. I will try ... re**
===== 1. Compile, or download the module cdc-acm. =====
I will not go through the procedure... y du release an updated version shortly. Download cdc-acm here
===== 2. Move the module to the right ... ~]# depmod -a
[user@localhost ~]# modprobe cdc-acm
===== 3. The next step is to instal