This will cause the creation of a variable in the case of ${foo=bar}.
These operators can be used in a v... or setting defaults for command-line arguments in case the user omits them. We'll use the first one in o... shorthand for ${foo} which is really the simplest case of several ${foo:operators} and similar construct... of this command with anything you like.
Another case might be where you'd want to traverse a list of d
de the first one it finds, the DTS stream in this case. I don't want that. This is where the "-map" opti... the fourth stream in the first (and only, in this case) input file.
"-map" can also be used to create ... en they must all be specified explicitly. In this case the first "-map" option specifies the stream to u... e the video stream is the second stream as is the case with my DVD recorder, in which case you'll need "
on of your kernel with the uname command. In this case it is version 2.6.14-1.1644.
[root@bigboy... iling multiple kernel versions in future. In this case, the tree is moved and then linked.
[root... ill be located in the configs/ directory. In this case the uname -a command is used to determine the sys... on's subdirectory located under /usr/src. In this case, the subdirectory's name is /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-
t below so please install nautilus if that is the case with this command.
<code>~ $ sudo apt-get instal... 5478 29999104 83 Linux
In this case you would have to to mount /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda... e
~ $ /media/<disk>/<user>/.Private</code>
In my case I got the first one.
<code>~ $ sudo find / -type... fb33fae-d738-405d-8ba1-bc1ede832411
In my case I have a /home partition and / root partition. I
chnician 2 + last 4 of Audio Server chasis Serial case-sensitive + 561384 Admin Used for Audio Server or... ell 2161DS Console Switch HTTP Admin (none) Admin case sensitive username
Dell PowerConnect 2724 HTTP a... m yesterday an tomorrow (for Tuesday enter MonWed case sensitive) - may be twice to see root password in... C
Wyse Winterm 9455XL BIOS (none) Fireport BIOS Case Sensitive
Wyse winterm Multi root (none) Admin
rity command (The "info" reader in this case)</td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><td class="nw">renice ... limit to 20<a href="speeds.html">KB/s</a> in this case)</td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td class="nw">wg... >echo 'Test' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'</td><td>Case conversion</td></tr>
<tr><td>•</td><td class="n
lag = 1 THEN
SET cadena = CONCAT(cadena,UCASE(SUBSTRING(s,cont,1)));
SET cadena = CONCAT(cadena,LCASE(SUBSTRING(s,cont,1)));
SET co... , die ausgelegt ist ====
Das ci hinten bedeutet 'case insensitiv'
Ich habe eine Tabelle in einer Date
Web access to users on certain networks. In this case, it's an ACL that defines a home network of 192.1... anytime without having to restart Squid. In this case, you add a username called www:
[root@big... ntication program in squid.conf, which is in this case ncsa_auth. Next, create an ACL named ncsa_users w
Don't worry, you won't lose any data but, just in case, you can always create a backup copy of your Virt... here:
Download it into the same dir where yo... ode>
* NOTE: The commands under "N
c. Commands/arguments should be typed in all lowercase. (They are displayed here in upper/lower case for easier reading). If a command's function is not obvio... are set to "Pin2000" and "Manager" (respectively, case sensitive), which you may want to change since al
e backup files. Will use symmetrical keys in this case.
export PASS... e backup files. Will use symmetrical keys in this case.
# Set
DMenu, or throw DMenu out and use G-Menu. In the case this occurs when running other applications, it m... able.
* Cause: Bad card partition/format. In my case it occured only with Panasonic SD Format on WinXP
home-pc. I want this because the “server” in this case is the desktop I have at home, which allows me to... :
<code>$fusermount -u</code>
for example, in my case, I would use
<code>$fusermount -u /media/home-pc<
s:225742 acl:2361 sco:0 commands:236 errors:0
In case your result says DOWN, start your bluetooth devic... ollowing:
hciconfig up (where dev is hci0 in my case)
/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
Turn on