4 df
45 ls -a
46 rm .AME/ .bash_history .cache/ .dbus/ .gsynaptics/ .lftp/ .PIMDS/ .update-no... 0rc2/
109 ls
110 cd xkb/
111 ls
112 local
113 locale
114 lsusb
115 rpm -qa|grep xfce4
116 rpm -qa|grep xkb
117 rpm -qa|grep lay... ls
316 ls
317 ls
318 vi usr/share/applications/keyboard_layout.desktop
319 ls
320 ll
It certainly works flawless for me, and i hope it can help you as well. If you get it to work with oth... 6.23.9lw/usb/class/): =====
[user@localhost ~]$ su -
[user@localhost ~]# mkdir -p /lib/modules/
[user@localhost ~]# cp /path/to/downloaded/module /lib/modul
another GUI to use mplayer.
But the MPlayer that cames standard in this Linux can't play some of the most common video codecs used on the internet video ... t to play a more "uncommon" codec video file, you can "install" the video codecs available in official... this, open the file manager, and in file menu you can open a terminal to type command lines.
a+x acerfand
sudo cp acer_ec.pl acerfand /usr/local/bin/
* Jetzt ist das Skript lauffähig:
sud... zu starten, kann man es in der Datei ''/etc/rc.local'' eintragen. In **Linpus Linux Lite** (d. i. die... im Terminal eingeben:
sudo su -
vi /etc/rc.local
Zum Bearbeiten der Datei die Taste 'i' drücken ... lgende Zeile am Ende der Datei anfügen:
Um die Datei zu speichern ESC drüc
werden. Als Root ausführen:
<code> hcitool scan</code>
die MAC vom Handy aufschreiben (also ... e.
rfcomm0 {
# Automatically bind the device at startup
bind yes;
... unten drauf - sonst einfach
<code> hcitool scan</code>
(event. zuerst den Connectbutten an der
irst, take a backup of your current xorg.conf, in case something goes wrong:
<code># cp /etc/X11/xorg... when you run it, you should be able to drag applications between your Acer Aspire One, and your exter
k the thunar daemon is started by xfdesktop via a call to dbus service org.xfce.FileManager or org.xfc... n for this problem would be to start the hald long before xfdesktop.
Perhaps anybody can help on this?