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Batocera root user password is linux (z.B. ssh)
Änderungen in dmesg permanent anzeigen: dmesg -wH (-H: human) (wie: tail -F)
Neustart der Oberfläche (ssh)
batocera-es-swissknife --restart
cp /etc/triggerhappy/triggers.d/multimedia_key.conf /userdata/system/configs/
Open a terminal and type the following command:
Then select your intended controller and press the button on your controller. The detected input will then be displayed like so:
Event: time 1614795871.549381, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 99 (KEY_SYSRQ), value 0
Look for the key name in parenthesis and its value when depressed after the “code” number. In this example, the key name would be KEY_SYSRQ and its value would be 0.
cat multimedia_keys.conf KEY_VOLUMEUP 1 batocera-audio setSystemVolume +5 KEY_VOLUMEUP 2 batocera-audio setSystemVolume +5 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 1 batocera-audio setSystemVolume -5 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 2 batocera-audio setSystemVolume -5 KEY_MUTE 1 batocera-audio setSystemVolume mute-toggle KEY_POWER 1 batocera-shutdown 1 KEY_POWER 0 batocera-shutdown 0 # display some information on X displays KEY_F2 1 /usr/bin/batocera-info --short | LANG=en_US HOME=/userdata/system XAUTHORITY=/var/lib/.Xauthority DISPLAY=:0.0 osd_cat -f -*-*-bold-*-*-*-38-120-*-*-*-*-*-* -cred -s 3 -d 4 KEY_F10+KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT 1 /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation stop KEY_F11+KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT 1 chvt 1 KEY_LEFTMETA 1 batocera-brightness cycle KEY_SYSRQ 1 batocera-screenshot BTN_PINKIE 1 batocera-audio setSystemVolume -5 BTN_TOP2 1 batocera-audio setSystemVolume +5
When I discovered these cheap CY-822A / USB Joystick X1 - Game Control Board USB Joystick Encoders on Ebay and Amazon I was puzzled by their description and construction.
A lot of people like to make their own input devices and controllers and these are a cheap way to get started - but just switches are not always what you want.
Despite the Analogue description its a very Digital device.
Bessere Möglichkeit mit dem gleichen CY-822A: Brücken, damit das Ding direkt in den Analogmodus bootet: