in an external monitor, you’ve probably noticed that 1024×600 doesn’t look too good on a 17″. There is... e Screen-section - there should be a line there that says:
Virtual 1024 600</code>
Change it t... 8″ to the Modes-line above. This will make sure that the virtual screen space is big enough to accomodate a 1280×1024 screen beside a 1024×600.
So that part of your xorg.conf should end up looking like
267 ls
268 vim format.txt
269 exit
270 ls
271 cd /080805-1010... /
444 ls
445 vi /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/format.txt
446 ls
447 ll ui.tar.bz2
448 ls
... tar jcvf uirc4.tar.bz2 /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/format.txt /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml /etc/rc.... tar jcvf uirc4.tar.bz2 /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/format.txt /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/group-app.xml /etc/rc.
cellent How to, i recognized, like some others, that the automount functionality was broken.
After tr... unar daemon i found the problem.
The reason is, that the Thunar daemon is started at a time, where the HAL daemon is not running.
And this locks the funct... in the script /usr/bin/xfcepost. Only thing is, that if the Thunar daemon is already running, it is no
st another GUI to use mplayer.
But the MPlayer that cames standard in this Linux can't play some of t... s, so here you can get a new version of MPlayer that can play almost everyting (somewhat like VLC) files needed:
[[ them on your One's Linux - you should follow by that order.
And to conclude some more command lines:
Now verify that the package sha1sum matches ''9a684ad36f4c1f49df7... -release-8-6.transition.noarch.rpm</code>
Once that is verified, install the package through rpm:
<c... /rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-8-and-9</code>
And that should be it. You should now be able to download
as Perl-Skript '''' ausführbar gemacht hat, also zunächst
sudo su
chmod a+x
... .
Wer **Ubuntu** auf dem Aspire One installiert hat, kann natürlich auch ''gedit'' statt ''vi'' zum E
[[acer aspire one:]]
====== nfs ======
nfs hat mich viel nerven gekostet. Uuuu!
Nachdem ich das Syst... <code>yum install nfs-utils</code>
Beim mounten hat er zwar noch gemeckert wegen xxx, aber das war au
The main reason for the One's problem is that is missing the kernel module (cdc-acm) and an eas... k in notification area"
* Push Close
That should hopefully do it. Connect your modem and hi