zw. Quelle einer jeden Umleitung kommen entweder Dateien in Frage oder aber andere Prozesse. In letzte... mleitung von Ein- und Ausgaben zusammen:
<code>< datei
Standardeingabe, Lesen aus »datei«</code>
<code>> datei
Standardausgabe, Schreiben in »datei«</code>
<code>2> datei
====== IF-Operator ======
<code bash>
if [ -n "$X" ]; then # -n tests to see if t... /unix/bash-tute.html:
A brief summary of test operators
Here's a quick list of test operators. It's by no means comprehensive, but its likely to be all ... you can always check the bash manpage ... )
produces true if...
number of operands
have this functionality as a command, but a combination of commands will make this work.
The stty com... y subsequent user input (including commands typed at the shell) will not be echoed.
To restore the e... , it is poor programming to make the assumption that echo is on. In some cases, echoing of characters is done at the local terminal (in which case we cannot preve