h returns the length of the value of the variable as a character string. For example, if filename has ... ositional parameters.
echo ${@:2} # Same as above.
echo ${*:2:3} # Echoes three posit... n. There are four substitution operators in bash, as shown in the following table.
Operator Function ... IX utility basename(1). basename takes a pathname as argument and returns the filename only; it is mea
n a [[ ... ]] construct.
is less than, in ASCII alphabetical order
if [[ "$a" < "$b... thin a [ ] construct.
is greater than, in ASCII alphabetical order
if [[ "$a" > "$... =4
# Here "a" and "b" can be treated either as integers or strings.
# There is some blurring be... cho "(string comparison)"
# "4" != "5"
# ASCII 52 != ASCII 53
# In this particular instan