a known working bluetooth adapter, a Wii remote.
An infra-red light source is required if you wish to use your Wii remote to behave like a mouse from an IR light source, such as the Wii sensor bar, some candles, an incandescent light, etc.
An IR LED pen is required if you wish to setup a whiteboard with your Wii r
== Overview ==
wminput is an Linux event, mouse, and joystick driver for the w... d below in the section on configuration files, or an absolute or relative pathname may be given.
* b... can be created specifically for this purpose, or an existing group such as wheel can be used.
Key sy... ping actions to those symbols, is not automatic. An excellent tutorial at http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWT
changed xorg.conf to acommodate the Wii Remote as an input device. I have not done it any other way, s... tion I mentioned in the beginning. You can create an infrared LED bar by following guides in wiili.org... ides while doing presentations Smile
cWiid is an interface GUI for the Wii Remote. It also allows