Qnap NAS
BE700G-GR / BK650EI und andere.
==== APC BackUPS RS 500 ====
**RB... USV: CS 350 von APC) und Debian
Die Ups per USB anschliessen:
<code>/tail var/log/messages:
Apr 25 1... usb 1-1: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
Apr 25 13:16:47 kuskus kernel: usb 1-1... # Use this to give your UPS a name in log files and such. This
# is particulary useful if you have
UPS Tools und ist ein Client/Server-Framework zur Ansteuerung und Verwaltung einer USV (unterbrechungs... um.com/basic-nut-configuration-for-green-cell-ups-and-home-assistant-integration-e08affcc54f]]
==== D... ode>
8. Reload config upsd -c reload and then restart the driver upsdrvctl start just to