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6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert: ===== Installing Ubuntu ===== ==== Wine for Ubuntu, Debian, and Debian-based distributions Debian Linux ==== Debian and Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu utilize a special tool for managing packages know... itory to your system's list of APT sources: **For Ubuntu Hardy (8.04):** <code>sudo wget http://wine.budg
vimicro @usb:webcam
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
ux until last week i try to plug the webcam in my ubuntu. It appear great result because the webcam driver... king the device detected .. <code> gerald@gerald-kubuntu:~$ lsusb Bus 004 Device 002: ID 05e3:070e Genesys... ..and your work. Good lock.'' Quelle((
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